There are times when the words are flowing from my pen like water from a faucet. Then, there are times the creative flow appears to have dried up or become stagnant. For the past few days, I’ve been experiencing what I thought was writer’s block but now realize there was no block at all. The ideas, words, creative phrases are always within me waiting for me to make the time to write.

By focusing on creating and embracing moments of mommy me time, I find joy in writing as a form of release. A healthy mixture of free writing days to de-clutter my mind, or setting time to work on a project is an easy cure for “writer’s block”.

Free-writing releases me from the stress of having to focus on my projects each time I pick up my pen or sit in front of the computer. Free-writing awakens my mind and opens the door for more creativity.

I will continue this moment of free-writing in my journal, but first I will share this fun poem. After reading it, please share your thoughts in the comments section below. Do you believe writer’s block exists?

Writer’s Block
By Tamara Robinson
Copyright (c) 2016

To say one has writer’s block first implies they’ve previously written something
Or else everyone could say they had it even if they never desired to take up writing

The combination of pen and paper can produce masterpieces and works of art
As long as wisdom and knowledge from the Holy One is leading and guiding the heart

This is a process that can’t be forced just take your time and let it properly unfold
Before you know it your hands will be moving, creating rhymes that must be shared and told

This is a special gift from the Heavenly Father that cannot be taken lightly
Since words have the power to tear down walls and break the chains that are bound so tightly

You may experience periods of time when you feel the words aren’t freely flowing
It’s during those times that you must wait and listen to what God is revealing, growing within and showing

What you are experiencing is not really writer’s block so don’t get upset or frustrated
There’s just something holding you back or keeping you from getting your thoughts properly regulated

Start writing down everything you see and hear as the Almighty speaks to you so clearly
It’s time for you to reload and refuel as you continue on this spiritual poetic journey

When the time is right you can pick up that pen or start typing away like you did before
And I just realized that I’m writing again so I must not have writer’s block anymore!!

Thank you for stopping by today. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts in the comments section.
1. Does writer’s block really exist?
2. Do you make time to free write?



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