What is that thing that lights you up from within and excites you like nothing else?
– exciting, pleasurable, enjoyable
– intense or unrestrained excitement
I have a few questions for you and I invite you to journal your responses or share in the comments below.
- Are you living an orgasmic life?
- Are you living the life of your dreams?
- Are you living the life you’ve always dreamed of or desired to live?
- Are you living a life that amazes you?
If you are…amazing! I love it!! Please share more details of your orgasmic life experiences below and be an inspiration to others.
If your life is not orgasmic…do you know what’s stopping you from living the life of your dreams? What limiting beliefs, behaviors or habits are standing in your way of living orgasmically on a daily basis?
Is it possible that as we age we forget to dream, visualize and give into what we truly desire out of life? Why does this happen?
What does it mean to live an orgasmic life?
An orgasmic life is designed, ruled and lived from your pleasure and inner desires. Those inner desires we probably don’t share with many, but provide a sneak peek into who we really are (no filters, no walls). An orgasmic life is experienced by anyone powerfully connected to a source greater than themselves and is lived full-out daily. The person who lives a full life takes nothing for granted and understands we get this one life and must create and live as many experiences as possible. No holding back. Doing whatever it takes to reverse or eliminate fears or limiting beliefs.
An orgasmic life is one experienced by all the senses. A life filled with sights, sounds, fragrances, delicious flavors and sensitive to the touch of our hands and feet. An orgasmic life is a full-body experience like a roller coaster ride.
Where are you on the roller coaster track of life?
Are you climbing your way to the top? Are you standing at the apex, observing how far you’ve come in anticipation of the results of your next steps? Are you riding the waves, with your hands in the air, of a pleasurable life of twists, turns and excitement? Or is your life sitting at the starting gate watching others go by?
An abundant life is not only for a select few and isn’t something saved for vacations or luxury getaways. Everyday of our lives can and should be lived like a luxury getaway. A life of more than enough in every area.
How do we figure out how to live an orgasmic life of our wildest dreams?
Find someone who’s already living the life you desire and learn from them. Allow them to pour into your life and share their secrets to creating the life of their dreams. Follow those steps and pay it forward by sharing the information with others.
You’re in luck, my love, because I’m here to help you with this! ❤️
Living an orgasmic life also involves leaving a legacy or something we can share with others instead of keeping all this juiciness to ourselves.
How can we leave a legacy?
Through spoken and written word. Through touching the lives of those we come in contact with or by affecting the lives of many from a distance. An orgasmic life leaves a mark that cannot be ignored or easily forgotten. An orgasmic life knows it’s purpose and has found it’s space to fill.
Living an orgasmic life means we’ve discovered and connected to our space and purpose in this world. Living full-out in every way. A life of meaningful and fulfilling experiences.
An orgasmic life is not meant to be lived by only a select few. Can you imagine how the world would look and feel if EVERYONE lived the orgasmic life of their wildest dreams on a daily basis?
What are you doing today to create or enhance your orgasmic life? Please share in the comments section below.
Schedule a free call with me if you’re ready to experience incredible orgasms and step into the orgasmic life of your wildest dreams!