
Why Pleasure Is The Key To Work-Life Balance?


Pleasure is about having freedom. However, freedom is the right to be yourself, full of worth and love. You are linked to everyone else alive on this planet. Women have always been denied pleasure. They've been conditioned to believe that pleasure isn't a priority because their job is to care for others and prioritize the [...]

Why Pleasure Is The Key To Work-Life Balance?2022-04-08T11:19:08-04:00

The Overwhelmed Mind: How It Feels, Why It Happens, And How To Manage


Although people are generally capable of making their lives as comfortable as they would like, most individuals struggle with life or are overwhelmed. Let's look at how people are overwhelmed, and how we can alleviate the strain or stress in our daily lives. Do you want to learn how to manage your feelings and emotions [...]

The Overwhelmed Mind: How It Feels, Why It Happens, And How To Manage2022-03-22T17:43:41-04:00

Male Health and Sexuality


Being a man of courage takes presence, power, and energy. You must be present and aware of what is happening around you in order to deal with life situations with poise and clarity. You will find power by discovering that deep-seated strength that lies within you and the passions that drive you forward through life. [...]

Male Health and Sexuality2022-03-07T14:44:16-05:00

Living an Orgasmic Life


What is it? What is that thing that lights you up from within and excites you like nothing else? Orgasmic: - exciting, pleasurable, enjoyable - intense or unrestrained excitement I have a few questions for you and I invite you to journal your responses or share in the comments below. Are you living an orgasmic [...]

Living an Orgasmic Life2022-01-10T08:21:53-05:00

4 Ways I Followed My Own Advice and Pursued My Dreams


In the blog post titled “4 Ways You Can Pursue Your Dreams AND Be a Great Mom”, I wrote about how we need to pull our dreams off the back burner and begin to pursue them. The blog post includes a list of tips we can follow to accomplish our goals, dreams & desires. When [...]

4 Ways I Followed My Own Advice and Pursued My Dreams2022-08-16T04:08:33-04:00

4 Ways You Can Pursue Your Dreams AND Be A Great Mom


What do you dream of? You probably have hopes and dreams for your children and their futures, but what are your dreams for yourself? Do you remember what those dreams are? Have you placed them on the back burner? Do you dream of going back to school? Opening your own business? Writing a book? Meeting [...]

4 Ways You Can Pursue Your Dreams AND Be A Great Mom2022-01-02T21:14:46-05:00

Why Mom Guilt Just Shouldn’t Be A Thing


If you’re a mother, it’s inevitable that you’ve experienced mom guilt at some point during your motherhood journey. If you find yourself struggling with guilt over something you said or did, or over something you didn’t say or do, I'm here to tell you it's ok. We’ve all experienced some form of mom guilt. You’re [...]

Why Mom Guilt Just Shouldn’t Be A Thing2021-12-31T19:53:13-05:00

Moms: Why You Absolutely, Positively Must Focus on You


You probably know at least one workaholic, right? At least one. Workaholics spend most of their waking hours working or thinking about work – sometimes to the exclusion of all else. Most of them don’t do it for the money, either – they do it for the pleasure and sense of accomplishment it brings them. [...]

Moms: Why You Absolutely, Positively Must Focus on You2021-12-30T23:37:03-05:00

4 Tips For Placing Yourself At The Top of Your Priority List


Motherhood is serious business. Most days it can feel all-consuming. By its very nature, being a mom means putting your child’s needs ahead of your own. While that is necessary, it doesn't mean ignoring or not taking care of your own needs at all. Too many moms push self-care to the wayside, but, the truth [...]

4 Tips For Placing Yourself At The Top of Your Priority List2021-12-30T23:13:56-05:00

5 Tips To Recharge Your Mom Battery


Between the requirements of business and career, parenting, housework, laundry, helping with homework, extra-curricular activities, and maintaining a healthy relationship with your spouse or partner, it’s easy to feel like your battery is drained at the end of a long day. When those long days add up and become weeks and then months and then [...]

5 Tips To Recharge Your Mom Battery2021-12-30T23:32:52-05:00


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