
How do you like to be shown Love? 


Love is a feeling like no other, you can feel love in many different ways. It is like a breeze you can't touch but you can feel it. But how do you like to be shown, love? There are different ways to show your affection to someone you love. They might be your lover, your [...]

How do you like to be shown Love? 2022-08-27T15:19:32-04:00

Satisfy your lover and get your needs met too


In relationships, excellent communication is crucial, and the same is true when it comes to sex, which is why knowing how to articulate what you want in bed is so critical. When you get excited about a new turn-on or desire to try new positions, it can boost closeness between you and your spouse—or even [...]

Satisfy your lover and get your needs met too2022-08-13T12:18:35-04:00

Why Does Pleasure Matter In Intimacy?


Pleasure is a topic we don't talk about enough. Who wouldn't want to have an amazing time? What does it take to add more pleasure to our lives? We all have our theories about why it matters, but there is nothing quite so telling as experience. This article is aimed at sharing what I've learned [...]

Why Does Pleasure Matter In Intimacy?2022-07-28T14:20:02-04:00

Intimacy in Women


Emotional and physical well-being are very important aspects of women’s health and sexual health. When it comes to sexual desire, women need an emotional connection which is at times valued more than the act of sexual intercourse. Fulfilling her sexual desires depends on various factors. Mainly it will consist of communication with herself and with [...]

Intimacy in Women2022-07-06T13:25:08-04:00

For men: Be the best lover she has ever had


The pleasure of a woman is a tremendous and seductive force. The quality and frequency of a woman's sexual and sensual experiences have an impact on her general well-being. Too many women are missing out on the delights of lovemaking, in part because many men are unfamiliar with the beautiful and complex female sexual anatomy. [...]

For men: Be the best lover she has ever had2022-06-06T17:36:32-04:00

Sex and dating for Single Parents


According to theory and research on coupled parents, there are trade-offs between parenting and sexuality, with the trade-offs being most prominent among women with young children. However, there has been little research on how an increasing population of single parents navigates dating and sexual behavior. The current study included a nationally representative sample of 5,481 [...]

Sex and dating for Single Parents2022-07-06T13:14:42-04:00

Sex and dating after divorce


For many people, life after divorce is new ground. The logistics of moving on can be a headache when you're going through such a drastic life transition. You're filled with concerns about how your schedule will alter, who you'll spend your time with, and how your sex life will change.  Dating after a divorce can [...]

Sex and dating after divorce2022-05-16T14:41:20-04:00

Intimacy for Overwhelmed Mothers


Every mother is tested from time to time. While more time is devoted to raising a family, it's easy to overlook other relationships, especially when children are small and require a lot of attention. Mothers of young children sometimes find themselves pulled between serving the demands of their infants and toddlers and having enough energy [...]

Intimacy for Overwhelmed Mothers2022-05-16T14:38:13-04:00

For the men: How to reclaim your sexual pleasure and be the best lover for your partner


Every man wants to be more confident in his intimacy and have complete freedom with his partner. You are a Man who excels in every aspect of your life. You are fulfilling your true capacity at work and meeting your needs, you kill it at the gym, and you can bio-hack any problem. But, would [...]

For the men: How to reclaim your sexual pleasure and be the best lover for your partner2022-05-16T14:37:17-04:00

Understanding your Sexual Anxiety and Overcoming it


Do you desire to be more confident in your intimacy and have complete freedom with your partner? Are you fed up with not being able to truly satisfy your intimate partner? Many people will struggle with sexual anxiety at some point in their lives. After all, being nervous about beginning a new sexual relationship with [...]

Understanding your Sexual Anxiety and Overcoming it2022-04-08T11:28:54-04:00


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