If you’ve ever experienced pleasure, then you know that it can be a beautiful gift. It’s the sensation that tells us we’re alive and experiencing something positive.


PLEASURE IS GOOD FOR YOU! Pleasure is an essential part of life, but unfortunately, many people tend to equate pleasure with pain. There are many reasons why we tend to do this; however, they can all be traced back to how we were raised and what messages we received as children. Regardless of how or why this started happening in your life it’s time to stop doing it! Instead of translating pleasure into pain by telling yourself: “I’m only worth something when other people approve of me.” Or “I’m only good enough if…” Let go of those old beliefs today so that you can experience true bliss!

What is Bliss?

Bliss is a state of mind, a state of being, and a state of feeling. It’s not just about the physical sensation; it’s about being in the moment with everything that exists around you. Bliss is consciousness.

Bliss can be experienced anywhere, anytime, and by anyone (even when you’re doing the dishes). It doesn’t matter what you’re doing or who your partners are – if they bring out your blissful side then they will always be welcome in your life!

What Is Pleasure?

Pleasure is a state of being. Pleasure is an emotion, a feeling, and an experience. Pleasure can also be described as the sensation you get when you eat ice cream on a hot summer day or when your mouth waters while eating chocolate cake (and who doesn’t love chocolate cake?).

Pleasure may seem simple enough to understand but there are many aspects that make up this definition—which one do you think is most important?

Why Do We Tend To Translate Pleasure Into Pain?

Sometimes we tend to translate pleasure into pain. Why is this the case? Pleasure is a natural human response, but it has been conditioned out of us by fear. We are wired to avoid pain and seek pleasure, but we’ve learned that what feels good can actually hurt us in the long run. So instead of enjoying things when they happen, we’re programmed to do everything we can to escape them or prevent them from happening again—even though they could be beneficial in some way or another (like eating ice cream). 

On top of that, pleasing yourself can feel selfish—something no one wants their partner to do! By taking a closer look at these issues and giving yourself permission to enjoy life more fully without shame or guilt, you’ll be able to break free from your old habits and start experiencing true happiness once more

Say goodbye to pain, and welcome in pleasure and bliss.

Pleasure and bliss are gifts, to be enjoyed. They can also be used as tools for self-awareness and growth. If you’re ready to embrace the gift of pleasure and experience the blissful feeling of being in your body, then here are some tips on how to do so:

  • Recognize that a mind is a powerful tool and that you have the ability to control it. Use this power to create positive thoughts rather than negative ones. 
  • Set your intention. What do you want to feel? What do you want to experience in your life? Do a quick meditation on what it would be like if that were already happening, and begin to picture yourself as someone who is already experiencing it.
  • Practice mindfulness meditation every day, whether in a formal sitting or by simply being aware throughout the day (or both!).
  • Practice self-care. Take time each day for yourself, whether it’s a quick 5-minute meditation or a longer 20-minute bath. The more you take care of yourself and your needs, the easier it will be to find pleasure in other aspects of life as well!
  • Get to know yourself better. Be curious about your body, your mind, and the sensations that arise in both. Learn what feels good and what doesn’t; notice the difference between pain and pleasure. 
  • Get to know your partner better. Ask them what makes them feel good, and then do that thing! Show interest in what they want and how they feel. Talk about sex with each other—not just when you’re having it but also when you’re not having it.
  • Get outside. The more time you spend in nature, the more likely it is that you’ll experience feelings of pleasure and awe. Go hiking, camping, rock climbing; whatever your favorite outdoor activity is, do it!
  • Make time for fun. Schedule things like Netflix marathons or board game nights with friends into your calendar so they don’t get forgotten about.